Thursday, 31 May 2007 Y 19:09 so it's really 10.10 in the morning now.and ya i dont usually wake up so early when school starts at 2pm.but anyway baby and i...we woke up at 8.30am.haha yeah he didnt go to school.but from tmr onwards,it's the start of his holidays.and yeah i dont have a june holiday, we were talking and having breakfast.i webcam-ed with him,then kayla came into the picture too <3 then after a while,she looked constipated and ya she now baby's off to playing dota.yup gonna see him later!cant wait!so exciting!so anyway i was reading that chris's blog.and it was kerry who has been blogging for's like she was talking about gerard and i all.but not actually writing down our's so obvious though.but like what baby said,she's afterall 2 yrs younger.and FYI,i didnt start all this talking behind backs.i saw it there on that blog this is probably letting her know what it feels like.alright i feel better now.letting everything out <3 haha off to playing with my little niece! Wednesday, 30 May 2007 Y 09:51 ![]() ![]() Saturday, 26 May 2007 Y 00:33 it's a saturday.and i woke up at 11 plus!so early right.haha then went to changi hospital to go visit my grandpa.gonna meet baby later at newton at 6pm later.cant wait!i miss him so much!we gonna watch pirates of the carribean at 8pm <3 so anyway yesterday was so boring!and it was a friday,baby had his class bbq so he couldnt meet i had school from 9-12pm.then after that i had to go creative at jurong east!so damn tiring know!but no choice,since i spoilt my bro-in-law's i had to go there to let them fix it.yeah at the same time,i went to buy myself an mp3.i got the creative zen stone,it's so small,and it's lime green.i bought a webcam as well <3 so exciting.and i only reached home at 4pm.then i was so so bored for like what..5 hours.then after that went to meet ex classmate for some beer at the coffee shop.haha and went home about 11 plus.then got to talk to baby for a while after that before we went to bed. Monday, 21 May 2007 Y 09:40 start of school today,i thought our class is gonna be like small and cosy.but my class has like 70 over people!that's just madness ya know!but surprisingly,it wasnt that noisy,perharps it's the first day that's why.haha the girls are nice,but some looks damn 2 ah lians!haha they came in like spaghetti stripes and shorts.and the shorts they wear are like the home type.haha!there were nice people too who just kept smiling <3 the guys are like...eeew.maybe just a couple good looking ones.but i have the best good looking baby ever <3 so i have to wake up at 7am again tomorrow.i used to wake up at 3 or it's like 12.45am now.i'm waiting for antm at 1am.i love that show!so anyway,like a while ago,i heard my neighbours screaming and yelling at each was so damn loud.and they came from the 9th floor.and i live on the 10th.haha they're really scary people.they owe loansharks money and like they have cameras outside their door.cos the loansharks ever sprayed paint on their door yeah they were quarrelling about money again.haha and the guy was shouting like "come hit me la" in chinese.aiyo my bro-in-law also another kpo one.he was peeking at them all.haha then purposely took the lift down and walked past their house.haha nonsense only.3 more days to meeting baby! <3 love you! Saturday, 19 May 2007 Y 08:30 so school is starting on monday,how quick!my 4 or 5 months of holiday are gone! anyway,i gotta spend time with baby today! <3 i went over to his hse,we ate and lie down,and lie down again.haha so i got quite bored of just lying down,i went to switch on the tv.and we watched "just married".it's so funny,and yeah it's also sad but happy at the last part.gosh...i miss baby so much!we were being all sweet today!gave each other hugs and kisses!i simply love him!oh i forgotten to blog about yesterday!which is didnt go to we went to watch "28 weeks later" at some prince theatre near bugis.the mall is called "shaw leisure gallery".haha the theatre is so big and damn scary,like before and after the movie,the light isnt like switched on.the usher actually have to come into the theatre with the torch people,if you guys wanna make out,and dont get any privacy at could try it there!cos there's practically no one!haha i'm dead serious!so after the movie,we made our way to marina south for steamboat/bbq.yup cos it was like kelson's early b'dae celebration there were quite alot of ppl.but baby and i went back early,cos baby wasnt feeling well,and like we didnt have we had to catch the last train home <3 haha it's so funny,that we could actually be that broke.i had $1.75 and baby didnt have anything.haha! Thursday, 17 May 2007 Y 07:19 im so's like i'm just lying next to baby surfing the net.he has been sleeping for an hr plus already!so anyway,he was supposed to go for work today,but oh well,he we gotta spend time together <3 so we were watching chinese drama just now,the ch 8,9pm one,then baby started having a convo with me in chinese.the way he speaks is so hilarious but very cute.i love him.and i made sandwhiches for baby today,ham sandwhich and egg mayo sandwhich <3 i dont think i'm treating anyone else as good as how i treat gerard.oh geez..i dont know why im hungry again.but i dont wanna eat!i just had hot n spicy drumlets,honey roasted wings and baked beef balls from pizza hut just now,like 3 hrs plus ago.i dont wanna get fat!eee!haha. Tuesday, 15 May 2007 Y 11:45 ![]() ![]() ![]() Monday, 14 May 2007 Y 09:26 i was sleeping so well today,had sweet dreams until kayla,my 2 months old niece started to cry so bad!she cried for more than half an me,she really did it.haha but when she finally stopped,i gotta go back to anyway,it's the start of the week.and i get to go shopping tmr then meet baby after that,double yays!<3 so ya i'm meeting baby tmr,which is a tuesday,and the next time im gonna see my lovely is saturday.that means i dont get to be with baby on friday ): though we always go out on that day.but he has his class bbq yeah,but he promised to bring me out on i guess i'm fine with that (: he's the sweetest ever!cant wait to see him tmr!so anyway,yesterday angelia called.haha like after so long,suddenly an ex classmate called.she was crying damn badly.and i mean who else could it be that can make her cry this badly.khye.duh!haha so anyway yeah i dont want to meddle much into their relationship.they're so complicated.but anyway,i dont wish to see myself cry that bad ever.i dont wanna be hurt in anyway,but i know baby cant bear to hurt me or see me cry.yeah?i've came to realise a long time ago that i love him so much,and i dont ever wanna leave him or watch him go away.i love you!and i wanna let you know that. Saturday, 12 May 2007 Y 05:54 ![]() Thursday, 10 May 2007 Y 08:54 ![]() i like this picture of us baby (: i know you do too,haha!well i'm so bored.just uploading pics into my comp...and i dont know why i'm feeling so weak i went to meet baby at woodlands,and was supposed to accompany him to work,but he gave it some thought,and ya didnt go in the end.haha actually i was telling him not to go as well.yup so we went back to his place.called for macs,and at the same time watched the movie "blades of glory".it's so hilarious,i tell you.especially the part when they're having the competition,and will farrel grabbed jon heder's balls.haha and jon heder still had to it's nothing much.haha well baby didnt get to watch that part though.i turned around and saw him sleeping like a baby (: oh oh we're gonna go orchard to shop for mother's day present tmr (: whee!exciting!i'm gonna take lotsa pics! Wednesday, 9 May 2007 Y 09:12 so baby and i are working together at propnex realty as telemarketers.haha we started work before work,i went to meet baby at woodlands mrt,cos that's near his school,then we took the train to toa payoh.haha and in the train,there were 5 very retarded people,4 guys and 1 girl.they were talking about lingeries.actually to be more crude,they were talking about bras and panties in malay!haha and the way they laughed were so spastic.they giggled so loudly like as if there were no one else in the cabin,and ya,as one of them laughed,he was hitting his thighs.goodness gracious!haha and then i couldnt tahan the way they were acting,i started to laugh in their faces.and that's not all,there were more weird people in the cabin,haha there was this other man squatting,and sleeping at the same time.haha.and and this fat guy was sleeping next to gerard,and he was resting his leg on baby's.haha then baby got so irritated,he kept moving his leg is so adorably cute.i love him! Tuesday, 8 May 2007 Y 09:27 i've been having so many weird,funny i had another weird dream today,actually two.1 was,gerard and i were living during the japanese occupation,and those japanese soldiers were burning down houses.we were running for our lives through the wth right!haha and my 2nd dream was having lunch at some restaurant with baby.weird anyway,gerard didnt go to school today.and we were actually calling up the different companies to check if there were vacancies.and baby circled alot of ads on the "classified".haha,but we went down to only 2 companies,1 was to be an event coordinator,and the basic is like $8 an hr.but oh well,we didnt get i didnt bother wanting to get a job after that,i just followed him to the 2nd company,which is at toa payoh,hdb hub.the company is called propnex,dealing with real estates and properties.and baby got the job,it starts tomorrow,from 7pm-10pm.oh well i guess that mean i get to spend even lesser time with him now.since he has school...and now work ): i'm sure gonna miss him like hell.but we got another job together though!haha we're both working as flyer distributors.we get paid $12 an hr.and at least we dont have to stand on the streets to give out flyers,so embaressingly stupid.we just have to go to blks and paste 1 on each level.yup so after the job interviews,i went over to his place to slack,watched some tv too (: and now i'm home,pretty much went to sleep already,cos he has sch this is what i did today.spent time with baby (: love him lots! Monday, 7 May 2007 Y 03:42 i'm so bored right now,and i cant think of anything else to do,except blogging.haha so i was just telling almost everyone about my saturday's i might as well blog about it,so now EVERYONE can read it.i was in this bus with like a few of my ex-classmates,like pilar,felicia and blah blah blah..then we heard like gunshots.there were terrorists on the bus!haha then right we were all damn scared.but i came up with a plan,to sneak up on them,and take their weapons.then 1 of the terrorists caught us.but they didnt have their weapons anymore,so they ran.and they ran to YAMAHA!isnt that so funny.haha i dreamt of the yamaha at marine parade one.haha then we ran after that,and we protected the children there first,we brought them to a safe place,then i was the sniper!it was so fun!so much action!haha like a movie!so ya that's about it,then i woke up.ok ok about today's dream now!i dreamt of gerard!(: i dreamt that baby and i went ice skating!haha and so weird,cos in reality,we both cant skate!haha!i was just thinking about it,and laughing to myself.haha this is so fun!i love him!but oh well,what could he be doing now...dota!!!obviously! Saturday, 5 May 2007 Y 07:44 it's saturday night already.time passed so yesterday was my hotel party.haha it was fun (: gotta be with baby all day and night!and that doesnt happen anyway we only slept abt 2am i think.and we ate alot throughout the day!haha we bought food back to the hotel.then after some time,we called for macs,then had ruffles too.haha we're really becoming fatty bom boms.then yeah we watched a little tv,then fell asleep.when we woke up,it was almost time to check yeah we took a cab home after that.i love him lots and lots,and i know he loves me too.i can totally feel that he cares alot about me.i'm like the happiest person ya know!it's like even seeing him happy,makes me happy,except when he's playing dota.but i've learned to be cool with it.haha so anyway,as i'm blogging,he's lying next to me sleeping,makes me wanna sleep too. Thursday, 3 May 2007 Y 04:02 (: i love you!!!kisses!so anyway,it's thursday,and my pay is already in!haha at gerard's hse now.we wanted to go eat at crystal jade,but he changed his mind,and we decided to call for pizza hut!haha!we had a feast,10 honey roasted wings,10 sweet and spicy drumlets,and baked beef balls!so damn shiok!i think i'm growing so damn fat,haha so is baby.we're fatty bom's so hyper right now,he kept singing and shouting.and yeah he just imitated mr's so damn funny! (: he's so goofy cute!much love to my very own bom bom!
Tuesday, 1 May 2007 Y 10:20 i miss gerard lots! ): even though i got to spend the whole day with him,i am still missing him so anyway what we did the whole day,i had lunch over at his hse with him and his family (: then we slacked,and after that went to watch spiderman 3 with my family.haha it was sucha family day for both of us huh.the movie was so good,and the sad!i cried!haha and baby laughed at me for crying!so after the movie,we went to meet kelson for abit.oh after that i went back to gerard's hse and we pranked call people.not telling you who.haha it it's like 2 in the morning now,watching antm on tv.and i wanted to write a nice and sweet testimonial for baby,but he'll think it's too yeah.but this is my blog here,so i'll say whatever i want here (: I LOVE YOU!I LOVE YOU MANY MANY+MUCH MUCH!GERARD+CHERYL=THE FORMULA FOR LOVE!haha!i'm so lame!but it was in my head.ok laugh people laugh! (: |
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