Monday, 30 July 2007 Y 23:42 so very excited about going out with baby tmr.he got no school somemore! (: anyway,gonna go meet cat at about 4.15pm to study.yeah i just dont wanna stay at home,i guess.i'll miss him ): he's gonna go out with his friends and like come home late.but i hope he'll still call me no matter what time it is.i just wanna talk to him ): i'm playing with kayla now,my niece.she's so that mobile chair she's in.moving backwards and sideways is all she knows.haha and playing with that toy in front of her. Sunday, 29 July 2007 Y 23:49 spent the night with baby on saturday,and sunday (: that really made me it's a monday quick!and my throat hurts,been coughing and sneezing.probably got from baby.haha and i thought my immune system can take it. so i'm gonna get really well and then go catch a movie with baby on wednesday (: we shall go watch that fighting show that you wanna watch k? (: and i cant wait to watch rush hour seems really funny,just by watching the movie ad.i'm so booking those tickets in advance!so yeah i'm really bored now,and i'm watching dora the explorer now,her hair is so cute.i'm gonna take a short nap in it's my turn to tell you this,"i think i'm gonna die".haha you're so cute,i love and miss you! Friday, 27 July 2007 Y 10:47 so it rained again today,like usual.went to get baby breakfast/lunch (: his favourite wanton mee,from his favourite stall.then stayed with him till like 7pm?then went to meet my classmates at marina square,haha played arcade games and pool.i won zul once!and he won me once too!so exciting. then after that went to eat at makansutra.the food there is so expensive,haha my beef fried rice cost like $5.yeah and i heard that the ice kachang is like $3.crazy huh?so i got home like about 1am?yeah gonna watch movie with baby tmr,after his driving thing,he's having his basic theory tmr.i hope and prays that he pass!then he'll be all happy after that,and not be so moody.haha (: i love him! Thursday, 26 July 2007 Y 03:48 it's thursday already,but i think that time passes really slowly ): i went to meet baby yesterday,at his place.he didnt feel well ): poor thing,but i felt happy that i was able to be there for him though(: to care for him.i love him so much.and even though we met yesterday,i miss him.well...that's love right.i got so much on my mind's really stressing.i'm only getting to meet him again on saturday maybe?or sunday.he's been really busy,and i've been trying to adapt to it.lesser time for me now.but lesser time for me doesnt mean that i'll love him any lesser(: so it has been raining alot these few really dampens my mood.and my period came!aiya..then had terrible cramps in sch today.and school was really boring -_- everyone else got to see my new hairstyle,and they think it's nice (: well that pretty much made my day.haha,and i came home immediatly after school.haha well that's something new for me.the weather is so nice to sleep,if only you're here b,then can cuddle to sleep (: but i'm so hungry now,i just really dont have the appetite to eat nowadays,havent eaten the whole day,and it's like 7pm already.the last thing i ate was the chicken rice that baby and i had yest,which i only ate like 1/4 of it.haha alright,i wanna go read my book now (: Tuesday, 24 July 2007 Y 09:34 i miss blogging!haha ok i'm so i have a new look now.cut my fringe!haha yeah bangs.and like coloured my hair red.i hope it'll look nice (: yeah i'm just waiting for the 45 mins to be over,then can wash off and see what it looks like. so yeah,it's like 12.37am now.i gotta get up at like what...7.30am?haha cat and i are going to suntec check out stuff.i'm chatting with shah and muhd now (: this is the easiest way to pass time.haha chatting online.and my grandma is also talking to me,as she's smoking.yeah my grandma smokes.haha so she's talking to me about dying hair. GRANDMA'S TIPS: -wash your hair with warm water after the 45 mins is over,the colour would be stronger. -do not use the conditioner given yet!use it like maybe a week later!cos some people said that the colour will fade away quickly if you use it immediatly. GET IT?alright that's all for today.thank you for reading this crap once again.LOL! Sunday, 22 July 2007 Y 20:26 baby i miss you,i miss you so much. i just want to be in your arms know that i'm only gonna see you on wednesday sucks.i havent seen you in like 2 days already. and i just want to let you know,no matter what,i love you.dont ever leave me ok?i havent felt like this in such a long time.i dont like this feeling ): i love you baby.i miss you. Wednesday, 18 July 2007 Y 20:46 CHERYL MISSES GERARD ALOT!baby's out with his friends,and her.i dont like the thought of him going out with that girl,even though his friends are with him.i just dont like her at and i are ok,but i just wanted him to come back earlier,i wanna talk to him so bad.i dont think he's coming back anytime soon ): i need him.the feeling of wanting to hold him so badly,but we're so far away,sucks real bad!I LOVE YOU NO MATTER WHAT,and you know it right sweetie?hope he'll call me no matter what time it is. ok anyway,i got my jeans(black) just now (: from bugis was really crowded for some reason.shah,zul,and cat came too.we had macs,well shah and cat did.haha i only had it's like 11pm now.kayla keeps crying,i mean screaming!and plus everyone else wants to sleep. watching prison break now,show ends at 11.30pm.then after that,got girl on girl.dont know what's that about.ends at 12pm.then ya...i dont know what i'm gonna do after that.Sleep???if only i could.without talking to him,it's like something's the day didnt end right. Monday, 16 July 2007 Y 08:44 went to school today,it was so boring!the lecturer talks nonsense.haha she's supposed to teach business management but then,today she was talking about sex,and people like beethovan.and ya that day,marriage. so after school,i went to meet baby at khatib.haha yeah to some people(like me),you'll go like "where the hell is that?".so it's somewhere near yishun k?so i got to buy bubble tea there (: STRAWBERRY MILKSHAKE!yes baby,you're the one who intro me that after that,we went over to his place (: we also came to a conclusion that we wanna save money!YES!so i cooked for him,and myself,instant noodles.haha and campbell soup. quarrelled with baby just now too ): and now i'm home,regretting it.cos if we didnt quarrel,we could have spent more time together.yes i'm missing you now!and i've decided to change.i dont wanna be like this anymore.always making both of us upset.b,i promise k,to be better!LOVEYOU! i'm only gonna see you on friday.damn!another 3 days! ): i'm always missing you here alright (: *HUGS N KISSES* Saturday, 14 July 2007 Y 23:44 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() lots of pictures and i went to sentosa on friday was really fun,at least we're doing something different on a friday night.haha always watch movie.yeah it was really romantic (: some alone time out.we took pictures of the merlion too.but it looked scary.dont know was it the lighting or orbs.haha so anyway it's sunday!time passes so quickly!and yeah my grp and i,including baby,went ghost hunting again yest,this time at pasir ris was really's like this bridge which leads to no where into the dark.and as we were walking like deep in already.suddenly shah went like "go go go",and we all quickly turned and walked away quickly.he said he saw the "P".yeah and they said they saw the orang minyat jumped into this muddy thing,well some heard and some yeah we all went there in a grp,and we saw footprints on the muddy freaky.then i came home not being able to sleep in the dark i switched on my lamp and slept with the light.haha.i'm sucha scaredy cat.i wanna talk to baby now (: Thursday, 12 July 2007 Y 20:42 i just realised i havent been updating my blog for quite some time now.couldnt find the time to,i's like 11.45 now,i just woke up,and i gotta go bathe in like 15 mins time...for school!so boring!i'm gonna leave during break,haha go meet gerard.we're gonna go sentosa (: we'll take lotsa pictures and put it here alright.haha so anyway,i went to watch the movie screening of harry potter and the order of the phoenix yesterday!at cineleisure!so many people know!i went with my classmates,and baby came too.well i thought he would fall asleep during the show,but no (: he did not. and well,i couldnt get to sleep so well these few nights anymore,i keep getting up in the wee hours and like think about "stuff".yeah it's really quite scary.and yeah going to some ghost hunting with my friends again on sat.haha oh least we're going in a big grp,like the other time at och.haha ok gotta run!loves! Monday, 9 July 2007 Y 08:35 HAPPY 7TH MONTH TO GERARD AND I!!!I CANT EXPLAIN THIS FEELING BABY,BUT I KNOW I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH! even though we had this huge argument today,which i made you really angry that you stomped away from me.but it turned out right in the end right baby?you always know how to make me happy.kisses! P.S:dont forget to reply to my letter ok? (: kisses! so anyway,baby and i had this feast at his place,haha pizza hut!again!i know!haha but it was good though.then we watched movies.the first one was pretty touching,i cried over the movie ): haha then the 2nd show,was lame but funny la(movie:fun with dick and jane) alright i have school tmr!2-5pm!again!damn,i really dont like the teacher!her accent is like...haha i dont know if it's fake,but yeah sounds like to me.ok gonna talk to baby whole-heartedly! Saturday, 7 July 2007 Y 00:46 went out to marina square in the evening to meet slyvia,zul,shah,and the 2 came too,after aikido,well he was supposed to meet that girl,but she came like they cant hang out,haha..she told him to come alone,cos she wanted to pass him something.but yeah whatever,slyvia and i tagged along.haha! baby and i were supposed to go to have nice dinner together.but in the end,we joined my grp of friends to old changi hospital.went to explore. it was really scary. and yes i saw something,and baby heard something too. i dont want to talk about it now,cos i just came back from there,and it's like 2.25am already.damn!haha anyway yay i'm so glad that woman going back to aust soon,and when i saw that "Madeline" just now. omg so fat la!haha! Friday, 6 July 2007 Y 07:40 hello people! another chapter of my life. woke up at 12.15,and then realised school starts at 1pm,not 2pm today. so i got changed and all,then cat took a cab down to fetch me then went to school together. cab fare was like $20? then went to meet baby to watch "die hard 4.0" it's pretty good actually though i dont like action movies. and now i'm home,and it's like only 10.45pm home so early today. i'm so tired. i'm so lazy to type so yeah...this is about it. Tuesday, 3 July 2007 Y 04:13 went out with the group today(all girls only!) haha went to watch movie (: walked around tamp mall.and got clearance sale at metro!bought glittery eyeliner and mascara.oh ya and also bought nail polish from missha too.the girls and i all bought the same eyeliner.haha so cute right (: so i just got back home,early huh.yup so some woman msged me over friendster,and asked me to be some model for the Nokia N series roadshow coming up soon.well no harm trying right,so i agreed to the interview thing.and if i get it,they'll be paying $1250 for 8 days of work.haha money! (: |
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