Wednesday, 29 August 2007 Y 07:33 it's so boring now!i kept thinking that it's a thursday,and that at 10.30pm have prison break!but it's actually only wednesday,1 more day!haha last episode!wouldnt miss it for the world! so i was watching "Live The Dream" just now.geez today's contestant all cant sing.especially that melvin guy!haha so hilarious!so i went to meet baby just now,and he was telling me all about driving (: he really likes it.well i,on the other hand,have to wait till after's ok,it's just a mth and a few days away (: cant wait!the chalet!baby's song for me (: LOVE HIM!LOVE IT! dont know why i feel so tired suddenly.but i wanna go play this tennis game.haha it's so fun la,but the stupid computer always have to win.NOT FAIR!!!haha the TV is switched on,but granny is sleeping on the couch,so the advertisement for the movie "kung fu hustle" so funny,AXN gonna show it again.why shows and movies on SCV always repeats itself?! lazy to type already,shall wait for baby to call (: after his dota,of course.haha! Saturday, 25 August 2007 Y 23:22 went out all day yesterday.first,shah,sya,baby and i met up at pasir ris inter.then we went to escape (: haha it was sizzling hot out there.and yes we all got tanner.finally the inverter was up,we sat was fucking scary the first time.then alright the next 2 or 3.met afiqah and maisarah there too.haha both work there. so we left escape at like 3 plus,couldnt tahan the heat.then took a cab down to marina south for steamboat.but we were still too early.haha then we went bowling first (: baby was leading with the scores,i caught up after that,after 2 strikes (: haha but in the end,lost to him.but like 10 over points.damn! about 5pm,we started to steam the boat.$13 per person!haha it was fine,but the stuff not that fresh! then we left marina south at like 8.20pm,then eileen's bf sent us off to vivo city.shah and baby drank somemore!haha after the 3 jugs of beer at was hilarious la,seeing him got all high.then we 3 took a cab home,and i was last to get cab fare for like ya $29+?inclusive of midnight!and i head right back to bed after washing up. and omg to msg gerard saying why he tell people that you had sex?why are you afraid if you never did it?oops wait wait...need i ask?maybe you had?sorry about that cheryl (: Tuesday, 21 August 2007 Y 08:13 ![]() ![]() ![]() i had lotsa fun yest at sentosa (: once again,HAPPY B'DAE SHAH! we took lotsa pics together.go see it on my friendster profile (: baby came too!he made it early (: haha he came in jeans though,big mistake right?so he gotta wear shirt and boxers on the beach. haha so we were sort of tanning(girls),cos the sun wasnt that strong!and the guys went to swim.they dragged baby in too.and he didnt bring extra clothes.thank god for my classmate who brought an extra tee.then i went to swim as well.shah and gerard tried to scare me by bringing me to quite a deep end,and yes i was scared!i cant swim ): or maybe i can?haha i dont know!then after swimming,baby and i realised we didnt bring bathing towels!haha so we had to borrow from friends. so we played at the playground for a little,then went to eat.the food there so expensive!but whatever,we all had money.haha and we went for the skyride,again!it wasnt as thrilling down at the imbiah,to the merlion for some pictures.and then one by one started to leave.haha so we went to vivo city,shah bought me teh got one too.and he thinks it's good (: he hasnt tried teh tarik before,so cute la!haha then we slacked at the rooftop,had a couple for drinks(shah and baby),mat and i had chips.yeah then left there only at 11.45pm?just realised i had been out for more than 10 hrs yest!haha!cool! Sunday, 19 August 2007 Y 08:18 i can say i had lots of quality time with baby over this past weekend (: and gonna see him tmr too,cos of a friend's bdae outing.i'm glad(: so anyway on friday,i went to watch a movie(rush hour 3) again,but with family instead,at tm.then on sat,baby and i went to watch a movie (: called "skinwalkers" at is about some werewolf thing.haha it was quite stupid.but ok la.then went out early on sunday to bugis to get stuff,or should i say exchange?haha then yeah i only got home like 10 plus.and also met an indian pervert!!!fuck!!!he kept staring at my legs!!!so obvious la!!!black bastard! and so we're all going to sentosa tmr!hope it doesnt rain!PLEASE LET IT BE SUNNY!!!i wanna tan!!! Thursday, 16 August 2007 Y 23:03 i was just reading someone else's blog,haha so hilarious i tell you.seriously girl,how could you judge me when you dont even know me?i just wanna tell you that you're fucking're not even involved but somehow you got involved?haha.and the other hypocrite who backstabs me but pretends to be so innocent in front of me,scared that i'll spill everything out to your so called "sayang".seriously,think before you do or say anything next time. so anyway...back to my freaking bored.home on a friday?haha i just want out!and well baby's going out after sch.i'm gonna be real bored.i'll cope with it,i supposed.yup so i'm reading 8 days now.and there's gonna be "maggi and me season 2".how cool!cant wait! Tuesday, 14 August 2007 Y 21:56 omg suzana and i are bitching!haha we're bitching about how slutty "A" is.haha she's actually back with "K"?haha wth!i think that's so stupid.i remember her calling me and crying damn badly all,cos he hit her!haha then she lied to my friend and i saying that they dont talk anymore.what a liar.AND SHE ACTS NICE IN FRONT OF ME!AND BACKSTABS ME AGAIN AND AGAIN!REMIND ME AGAIN,WHY I BOTHERED?and she can actually wait for him to screw finish with other girls then come back to her.haha. alright i shall not bother anymore,haha CHERYL CHERYL ENOUGH WITH BITCHING OK? yes i'll be nice now.but not to her anymore (: so anyway,i've decided to go back to sac to collect my o's cert sometime this week.cos if i go on dragging,they'll send it to MOE,which is all the way at the north?or is it west?haha i dont know la. and then later...i'm gonna meet baby at woodlands (: haha and my mum just reminded me to go to church today,but i already made plans,she said it's day of obligation?assumption of...?i dont know? oh ya...i've decided to make my b'dae party(chalet) somewhat a reunion thing for sec 4/2 and some of 5/2 k?!please come people!i miss you guys!it's gonna be so fun!i miss sac too,you people made it fun (: i miss getting punished,going to RESPONSIBLE THINKING CLASSROOM(RTC). HAHA!!!alright this is it.lazy to type already (: Monday, 13 August 2007 Y 22:02 i had this weird dream know!i dreamt that my friends and i were in front of this big drain.then the water like overflow,cos it had been raining alot.then alot of people drown.and somehow i was superwoman,i realised i had powers to fly.haha then i saved alot of lame la my dream! i was looking at reina's blog,and realised how silly i looked in secondary school.haha but i miss those times.purposely never bring books for bio so i would get punished and sit outside the class,then dont have to listen to mdm aznah.and to secretly use handphone in class.and somehow the people around me always get caught,but not me.haha! so anyway,another boring day at home!haha only 1.05pm now!haha and baby is only gonna be home about 9pm today ): but never mind i'm gonna be seeing him tmr (: that's soon,right?yeah and i'm baking him cookies (: haha i hope it'll turn out good. Sunday, 12 August 2007 Y 21:59 it's a boring monday again.and it's 1pm,just woke up not too long ago (: having my wanton mee,just wish that baby is here.we always have wanton mee i got no life for 2 weeks?!haha no school=boring! so yesterday i finally went to church.couldnt get up,cos mass was at 8.30am.and yeah i slept at like what...3 plus?it was a real dread.but i think i should try to go for mass more grandma just said that this man never goes to church,and now he's dying,so he wants the priest to come say prayers.but the priest said no.that's kinda sad ya? kayla is sitting on my lap now.grandma just left her here,cos she has been lying down in a cot since morning.and she's such a good girl now,cos she just woke up.only that she keeps kicking my keyboard alright i decided to update a little more,haha it's 3.15pm now!haha i was so bored,i made apple juice (: haha just waiting for baby to end school!!! Saturday, 11 August 2007 Y 22:12 i dont like what i'm feeling right now. why do i feel like something bad is gonna happen. and it scares me. ): Wednesday, 8 August 2007 Y 09:15 to gerard,who is always asking whether i have updated my blog.there you go hon (: and yeah i suddenly realised how long i havent updated my blog anyway,been going out lots these few days! alright let's just start with and i went to comfort driving centre at eunos in the afternoon,he wanted to top up his stored value thing,but only can do that through nets/ it was NOT a fruitful it was fucking hot!the weather killed every mood.but baby carried my bag,and made me feel all better (: so took a bus to vivo (: had chicken rice.but it wasnt as good as the first time we ate there.then watched "rush hour 3".it's freaking good,and it's so hilarious!we booked tix like 2 days ago,and we got good seats (: and oh this eurasian couple about like 40 plus? were at the next counter beside us,they kept looking at gerard,then after that said that he looked like their son?haha that was kinda funny.he found the couple rather familiar,but just cant remember their then anyway,went to his place after everything,reached there about 8pm?watched criss angel on ch 5,then family fear factor.haha their stunts like easy only.then like that can win US$50,000 already?wth?haha come to singapore la!so i'm hungry now -_-" lol that's the first time i used that expression...and ya i only had like a few cheese sticks and chicken tenders from BK.wish got somebody to make me food Saturday, 4 August 2007 Y 00:39 i change my blogskin again!aint it sexy?haha saturday is quite boring huh.gonna go watch that movie "alone" later.i hope it's good.i watched some lameass movie yesterday,called delta farce.and i shall not go on how lame that movie was. and i'm gonna be home alone in like 10...9 mins.the rest of the family are going for my cousin's b'dae party.well i rather go watch a movie,then for my friend's b'dae/bbq thing at pasir ris.but my throat is still killing's ok right?once in a while,as long as i drink lotsa water.haha and baby is happily gloating about someone cute. Wednesday, 1 August 2007 Y 09:42 well,b and i were supposed to go catch a movie today,but i guess we were both too lazy.and haha yeah was also supposed to go to his place at about 8 plus in the morning,but i couldnt get up...we both only went to bed at like 5.30am?i actually set my alarm at like 9pm,but i kept adjusting the alarm,and in the end i woke up at like 11am? so i went to bathe and all,then leave my myself KFC from whitesands.haha even though this terrible sore throat i'm having,i didnt bother...then got baby his bandito thing.haha so we just slacked,with his dad watching tv at the living room (: and like we postponed our movie to friday!exciting!cant wait! (: *hello to the people who are reading this!* |
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